Sunday, September 3, 2017

HEALING And Healing Systems

There are many forms of healing available to us today and many different ways in which the word “healing” is used. When one looks at healing as a return to wholeness, all uses are correct. A person who is healing from surgery is experiencing their body knitting itself back together physically, just as one who is healing from heartbreak is in some sense knitting back their sense of self and security after an emotional loss. We all have an urge towards healing, even as most all of us have ways in which we act when we are wounded and are not always ready, willing, or able to expose the wound to allow the healing to begin.

~ healing ~

There are many different kinds of healing systems in the world, from the medical systems of TCM, Ayurveda, and Allopathic (western) medicine. There are spiritual and energetic ways of healing as well, and there are systems that walk between both of those worlds. The healing star system, specifically the Rising Star system of healing is one of many sacred healing systems that has been brought to us here on earth to heal with energy.

It works on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues, bringing in the energy necessary to release old dis-ease and help to transform one’s life into a loving, joyful, and energizing experience. The experience that people have tends to exceed their expectations, and often they find themselves eased of hurts so old they had forgotten how life felt without it. The energy of Rising Star healing goes wherever it is needed in much the same way that Reiki energy is drawn to where healing is needed without being physically directed.

Healing one's inner self-has an outward rippling effect to other areas of one's life. Also when you heal yourself, you may also begin to heal others as well. Those around you are affected by this healing state and can themselves begin to heal anew. You also cease to interact with them out of old patterns and so they can meet and interact with your new self, a self that is hopefully committed to continuing on the healing path.

Having a profound healing experience can change your life in ways you never imagined, and this goes for someone who is experiencing any type of healing, not just healing star. There is always room to grow and expand into a more healed state-we never stop having opportunities for healing as long as we are alive.

When you are in need of healing, you should look into all the options available to you.


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