Showing posts with label Hypnosis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hypnosis. Show all posts

Friday, March 31, 2017

Are There Any Medical Benefits From HYPNOSIS?

This is the logo of the British Society of Cli...
Logo of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis
(Photo credit: 
We've examined the benefits of hypnosis as a tool for self improvement. How we can attach it to the Law of Attraction and make the acquisition of our desires even more powerful. But there's another facet we haven't yet examined, and that's in the field of medicine.

Here, too, we find enormous benefits may be obtained. Among the many medical conditions for which it's used are the following.

Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Hypertension, General Pain Relief, Panic and Anxiety Disorders, Asthma, Insomnia, Enuresis and Diabetes II. There are many others, but even this short list gives you some idea of the vast scope of its usage.

Fibromyalgia is a singularly nasty disease. You hurt all over, feel physically exhausted, have widespread pain in your muscles, ligaments and tendons as well as multiple points on your body which are tender, or hurt at the touch.

Until fairly recently, if you went to the doctor, you'd be told that he or she could find nothing wrong with you. This, in turn, proved terribly distressing. Of course something was wrong with you. Why in the world couldn't they see it?

It occurs in about 2% of the population of this country, and is far more prevalent in women than in men. It was found that when sufferers of this disease were put on a 12 week course of hypnotherapy, they showed infinitely better abilities with pain management, waking fatigue, sleep patterns and overall health than those receiving physical therapy alone. This from the Journal of Rheumatology.

The British Journal of Medicine reported similarly optimistic results with those suffering from Asthma. A six year period showed that 173 patients suffering from Asthma were taught to use self-hypnosis. Of these, 82% were either much improved, or enjoyed total remission.

Enuresis results were, apparently, even better. This is a condition where you suffer an incontinence of urine.

Research is being undertaken by Elvira V. Lang, MD and Naomi M Halsey into the benefits of hypnosis for patients receiving invasive medical procedures. As can well be imagined, they are often under considerable distress during these times.

Therefore, they're being trained in the techniques of self-hypnosis. Their main area of study is in those patients undergoing fibroid, renal and hepatic tumor removal. It seems that their results show that these patients are displaying considerably less psychological and physical distress and will learn coping skills that will help them in the future.

Have you ever felt 'sick and tired?' Then think how invigorating it must be when, under a trance, this feeling departs from you. A few more sessions and no more 'sick and tired' feelings.

A step up from there, and patients are taught how to release endorphins or serotonin into their systems, thereby learning to control their own minds.

These, then, are just a few of the ways hypnosis is assisting in curative medicine. From being an obscure music hall trick a century ago, it now appears it's at the forefront of science.

Then again, we've all heard of instances where the mind has had a direct bearing on healing. This, too, was considered rubbish by the scientific community and not too long ago, either.

Now, the more that people understand hypnosis, the longer grows the list of benefits.

    Mike Bond, telling us about the Benefits of Hypnosis in respect of physical illnesses and medical conditions. You can learn so much more about Hypnosis and the Law of Attraction by visiting his Website at Wealthy Old Man. His site has been completely redesigned and is now far easier to negotiate.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Hypnotic Sleeping - HYPNOSIS is Not Sleep

There are many myths that people have around hypnosis. The myth even makes hypnosis renowned. Many people think that hypnosis is an all - powerful force that control mind of other people, is capable of communicating with the dead person, is capable of watching destiny, and other unbelievable things for ordinary people. As a hypnotist you should have correct understanding on hypnosis. You should know what hypnosis is and is not. This article will explain that hypnosis is not sleep.

Hypnotic seance
Hypnotic seance (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hypnosis has long been associated with sleep. Hypnotists get difficulty to elaborate that a subject under hypnosis is not sleeping. The myth might not be revealed till the end of the day because what people see on stage shows that the person is in a sleeping condition. A subject under hypnosis usually closes his eyes and seems to pays no attention to his environment.

Hypnosis is actually closer to the waking state than ordinary sleep. In fact, a subject under hypnosis tends to be more aware of things going on around him. The subject is more aware of the sound of the hypnotist, especially. He is also more aware of the feeling and sensation.

Hypnotic sleeping differs from ordinary sleeping. In ordinary sleeping we are not aware almost the night long. We are totally unconscious. Our mind, as if, disappears somewhere during the nighttime and returns back the next morning. It is possible some of us still remember part of our dream, but the most part there is clear distinction between hypnotic sleeping and ordinary sleeping. Hypnotic sleeping enables the subject under hypnosis to respond to suggestions given by a hypnotist while ordinary sleeping prevents the subject from communicating with his surrounding.

Sleeping in hypnosis has many connotations. For the subject, sleep puts the hypnotic experience into a familiar context. For the audience, sleep helps explain the phenomena they are observing on stage. And finally, for the operator, the association of sleep provides a framework for his hypnotic presentation.

Friday, January 27, 2017

HYPNOSIS, a part of life

Hypnosis has been used for thousands of years in almost all cultures of the world. The technique was invented mostly for healing purposes, but, over time, it changed and evolved towards something better. Not even the very popular magnetic eyes and the trick with the pendulum are used anymore. The one hundred-year-old way of trance induction has been replaced by more effective and applicable techniques of hypnosis.

English: hypnosis group rehermann
Hypnosis Group Rehermann (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Weather you believe it or not, hypnosis is used almost everyday on you and perhaps by you without even being aware of it. The once called “art” of hypnosis is now available for anyone to learn and it is 100% effective. There are hundreds of ways to perform hypnosis. Just think of commercials and cinema, of loosing weight, of releasing stress, of quitting smoking, of increasing self-esteem, of getting good grades or a job, of eliminating bad thoughts and obsessions from your life. 

Hypnosis can be therapeutic or it can be a way of life. You can either choose a professional to guide you or you can train yourself. Either way hypnosis doesn’t induce the well known from movies trance. The person under hypnosis is always conscious and in control of everything.

Hypnosis can help people reach their goals, just like manipulation. Because the human mind can be divided in the subconscious part and conscious part, and because each is different in functions, it means there are more ways of working with your brain. Hypnosis uses the subconscious, because, unlike the conscious, which directs an activity, it controls it. The unconscious psychical aspects, which don’t require involvement or control, can be dealt with through hypnosis.

Its popularity is increasing daily because of the major changes that can be done with it easily and quickly. Academic applications of hypnosis like: the apprehension of communication skills, memory development and removal of mental blocks, the elimination of stage fright and class participation fear can be very useful for children, but for grown-ups as well. Hypnosis is great for those who need to enhance their motivation and improve their performances by overcoming their fears of public speech, of tests, of failure. Sometimes, the hypnosis helps you uncover the real mental problem and fix it.

The therapeutic effects of hypnosis are most appreciated by persons with addictions, emotional and stress disorders obsessions and habits. Without help the persons who suffer because of these problems don’t stand chance. Most know the torment of the desire or drive to commit the habit. Smoking, drinking and the unusual addictions to working or watching TV can be
cured with hypnosis by changing the subconscious motivation. For some, quitting is easy, but for others it can be difficult no matter what method they use. However, hypnosis makes the process easier because it goes to the ruts of the problem.

Interpersonal relationships are influenced by human behavior. In both carrier and romance the way we act and what we say is of high importance. The subliminal and supraliminal language is decisive in how you want people to see you. It is possible, with the help of hypnosis, to induce a certain image of yourself to those around you, but, because we can not be sure how others think and how much we can control their actions, hypnosis can change your image of yourself. This might even be better. After all, the most important is what you think of yourself. This way, through hypnosis, you will change yourself and the subliminal messages sent to others “controlling” them.

In conclusion, if hypnosis isn’t in your life already, it should be. The benefits can be huge and the amazing thing is that it helps you help yourself. It doesn’t matter what age you are, what you work or how many issues you have to solve, hypnosis is the healthiest therapy, guaranteed to give results.